In addition to our regular services we have numerous regular events during the month.

Wilson St Youth

Term 3: Friday 7-9pm

Check out WSBC Youth on Facebook for up to date information about what's happening.


Our Sunday morning children's church goes by the name of Pathfinders.

It is run by a team of dedicated volunteers  and is for children aged from 5 to 12 years. On Sunday Mornings during the school term they start the morning as part of the Family service before going out to Pathfinders where they have a more appropriate and interesting programme which often follows the same or similar subject material as the adult congregation. The children are split up into smaller age related groups where they learn Bible basics in a way that is appropriate, interesting and fun to their age group. During the school holidays we have clipboard activities and toys to entertain children during the service.

Small Groups


We have groups to suit everyone, Men only, Ladies only, Mixed, Evening, Breakfast, Youth and Prayer. These are great way to really get to know people.

"Roaring 40s" prayer meeting 40 minute prayer meeting at 7.30pm on Monday evening in the Manse. Contact Marty Wilson for more details

Monday 7.00pm at the Duncans. Contact Brent or Tina Duncan for more information.

Tuesday 7.30pm at 75 Dobson Street. Contact Pastor Andrew for more information.

Ladies Breakfast: Wednesday 7am - Village Cafe, Tina Styles for details.

Just Worship: Worship time in the Church Auditorium, Wednesday 7.00pm. Contact Carol Lovely for more Information.



Ladies Study group: Thursdays at 10.00am, Meets in the former church Manse, Contact Angela Wilson if you want to know more

WOW  -Women of the Word. Thursdays at 7.00pm in the Manse Lounge. Contact Jude Hay or Janette Johnson

Men's Bible Study: Thursday 7.00pm, Men's Bible Study, WSBC hall. Vaughn Nicolson for details.



Evergreens Cafe

Seniors who are young at heart. We meet in the Church hall on the third Tuesday of each month at 1.45pm for friendship and afternoon tea.

Prayer Groups

First Tuesday of each month: BMF (Baptist Missionary Fellowship) 1.30 to 3.00pm in hall cafe area. Contact Tina Styles (03 6888018).