
On Sundays and during the week, we meet to worship an awesome God, listen to him speaking into our lives, and hang out with some incredible people.

We warmly invite you to join us.

Sunday Service Times

/On Sundays and during the week, we meet to worship an awesome God, listen to him speaking into our lives, and hang out with some incredible people.

Sundays: 10:00am

Christmas Day Celebration: 9.00-10.00am

17 Wilson Street, Timaru.

All our services are now recorded on our YouTube channel-

1. Go to www.youtube.com/@wilsonstreetbaptisttimaru

2. Don't forget to push the "subscribe" button.

What we believe

The church is a community of those who believe in God the Father, in God the Son Jesus Christ and in God the Holy Spirit – one God; who are repentant of their sin and who have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ through his atoning death and resurrection; who publicly proclaim their faith and are committed to the church’s vision, aims and functions.

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Our Staff


Andrew Maude

Andrew Maude is our Senior Pastor. Having recently moved from Tauranga, Andrew, his wife Juliet and their three school-age boys have been with us since July 2022.

They are great lovers of the outdoors and are excited to explore their new home in the South. Andrew brings a friendly, collaborative style of leadership. He is driven to nurture a culture within the church that enables all different ages, cultures, and backgrounds to encounter God’s love, and to be a part of God’s incredible “good news” team in our city and our world.

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Tina Styles

Tina Styles is our coordinator for Pastoral Care, Women’s ministries and Hospitality. She enjoys drawing people together into teams who intern reach out and serve others well. Wilson Street Baptist has been her home church for the past 40 plus years, and has been on staff at the church since 2011. She is married with 3 Adult children and 2 lovely grandchildren.

Wilson Street_Marty

Marty Wilson

Marty Wilson is our Administrator and Treasurer. He looks after the financial and administrative ‘nuts and bolts’ that every organisation has. He is married with four adult children. Marty and his family have been involved at Wilson St for many years and served in various ways, including on the church Eldership. You’ll find Marty in the church office every weekday afternoon.